Oculoplastic procedures frequently have both functional and aesthetic purposes.
For example, Blepharoplasty, a procedure for excessive and droopy eyelid skin, may improve peripheral vision as well as facial beauty and rejuvenation. It aims at improving function, comfort and appearance.
Conditions for Oculoplastic Referral
People of any age group can have problems with the areas around the eyes. Some conditions can be present in children, as birth defects, or appear in early childhood. These conditions in children need to be addressed early as they may hamper visual development, and lead to lazy eye (amblyopia).
Injuries, infections or tumours can affect any age group, and need early attention and management. In the elderly weakness of eye and face muscles, lead to watering, drooping of the lids or skin folds that hamper normal function. There are several conditions for which you might be referred to an Oculoplastic surgeon.
Orbits / Eye Sockets
The eye socket contains the muscles that move the eye and the bones and fat that protects it. Occasionally, the socket may be affected by injury, inflammation, tumors, or by certain medical disorders. The consequences of an injury to the orbit may include deformity, double vision (diplopia) because of injury to the muscles that move the eye or displacement of the globe itself, or even loss of vision.
An Enucleation is the surgical removal of an eye is only done under drastic circumstances such as to remove a malignant tumor in the eye or to relieve intolerable pain in a blind eye. Following enucleation, an artificial eye (ocular prosthesis) is implanted as a cosmetic substitute for the real eye. Volume augmentation is required for better cosmesis, it is done with implanting intra orbital implant.
An Evisceration is the removal of the eye’s contents, leaving the scleral shell and extraocular muscles intact. The procedure is usually performed to reduce pain or cosmesis in a blind eye, as in cases of endophthalmitis unresponsive to antibiotics.An ocular prosthetic can be fit over the eviscerated eye in order to improve cosmesis. Intra orbital implants gives better motility to the prosthesis.
You need to see an Oculoplasty Specialist if you have any of the following conditions :
- Droopy eyelids or eyebrows (Ptosis)
- Blepharoplasty (Eyelift)
- Eyelids turning in or out (Entropion / Ectropion)
- Excessive watering due to tear duct or tear sac problems
- Frequent prescription changes in glasses and contact lenses
- Growths or Tumors (Cancer of Eye)
- Excessive blinking or uncontrollable eye closure
- Twitches
- Excessive wrinkles / skin folds around eyes (Cosmesis)
- Thyroid imbalance
- Paralysis affecting the face
- Anophthalmia - Loss of eye due to injury or infection wherein artificial eye fitting is needed, to improve appearance
- 3D Custom Made Artificial Eyes
- Keratoconus
- Oculoplasty
- Orthokeratology
- Speciality Contact Lens
- Chandra Scleral Lenses
- Myopia Control
- Gold Contact Lenses